Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Overview - Course Reflection

This course has provided me with so much, it will be difficult to capture this in a final blog entry!  However, I will do my best!

Most importantly, what I have learned from being a part of this class cannot be measured in any way.  There has been a change in me on an emotional level.  I have always wanted to be in education to make a difference in children's lives.  However, as an adult in a class as a student, I realized that we all influence and inspire one another!  I have been so inspired by this class from the beginning with our introduction to Susie Rubin, who has changed my life forever!  From the use of iPod touches, iPod Nanos, Boardmaker, video editing software as well as switches.....the possibilities are endless!!

Never again will I say that I can't do something!  We have viewed so many videos from the professor as well as our own searches on google and YouTube to information shared on classmates logs, that it is inspiring what people can do when faced with challenges.  I have never really considered this before, quite honestly because I never had to.  I have not had to face a disability - with learning, physical or otherwise, so I did not have this in my frame of reference.  However, since attending this course, I have been so inspired by the individuals we have seen - whether it be a person with a learning disability such as autism, physical disabilities such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy or a person who has had to have a limb removed.  I have seen them doing extraordinary things that I have not even attempted.  There was the man with cerebral palsy who did the wall climbing; the people who had a leg amputated who were surfing and downhill skiing; the person with muscular dystrophy and using assistive technology to swim; the Australian lay, Kelly McCann (I remember her name as she is so inspirational) who does not have mobility of any of her extremities (she is a quadrapalegic) and yet there she was on a surf board experience this feeling of "flying" as she stated.  I have never been on a surf board!

However, my attitude is changing...never again will I say I can't....I can and will try!  I foster this with students in my school as well and tell them that I don't accept that they can't do something.  There is always a way, a means of getting something done or ways to adapt our environment so that we can be successful.  We have seen the gamet in this course from using video social stories to persons who need to use switches on a wheelchair or other device as they have extremely limited motor control.  Truly inspirational, motivating and with endless possibilities! 

The world is at our fingertips when we enter into the realm of assistive technology!  We have just touched the surface and my plan is to continue in my endeavours with what I have learned from this course and take to my professional experiences!

Thank you to Barbara Welsford, my classmates and all the individuals we were permitted to enter into their lives as they shared their stories for us!


  1. Janice you are quite a lady. You have put this experience into words that are inspirational in their own right. So often over the past few years I've been discouraged in my work and personal life by circumstances that seemed beyond my control. Your point is and the point of AT is taking control ...we have the power ...just have to figure out the best switch!

  2. Thanks Janice - WOW - I'm just so glad you felt the course has had that much of an impact on you. Thankyou and please keep in touch!
